Conto um, conto dois...quantos cantos têm a mim! Conto muitos como muitos e tantas vezes e, tantas contas que nem tenho mais conta de quantos contos ainda sou! Cantamos o que damos conta, o que vemos e o que ouvimos, o que nos dizem e o que nos mostram e adiante nós seguimos como conhecedores de nós mesmos. Pedaços é o que somos e, como pedaços, precisamos ser juntados, mas o inteiro que podemos ser jamais será descoberto, difícil ser arrebanhado.

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quinta-feira, 13 de março de 2014

It couldn't be just us?

Um canto criado em 13/03/2014

No control, the days drag on like chains
The night silence doesn't let me sleep soon
It's bullshit to think that we can fight against
In the end, it's all just ilusion, only ilusion

I just wanna have you
I just wanna be one with you

I was a jerk and an asshole, now a days I know
You tried to show me and I didn't want to see
Another thing turned my mind, like now
So we didn't enjoy our history, our history

I just wanna have you
I just wanna be one with you

You threw me off but I understand you
And I'm indebted to you forever and ever
You found out another me, fuller
It's a pity, this other can't be to you, only your

I just wanna have you
I just wanna be one with you

But it’s time to move over
I didn’t mean this before
So, you got away

Before, I didn’t say
And now, you got away
You’re away

It's time to forget all
And I still wanna have you
...wanna be one…
...wanna be one...
...wanna be one with you now

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